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Caucher Birkar (BIMSA)

Explicit/effective birational geometry

Chris Brav (SIMIS)

The cyclic Deligne conjecture and Calabi-Yau structures

Nikolay Borozenets (HSE University)

On string functions of the generalized parafermionic theories, mock theta functions, and false theta functions

Anton Dzhamay (BIMSA)

 From QRT maps to Discrete Painlevé Equations via Geometric Deautonomization

Yu-Wei Fan (YMSC)

Gepner points in the Kähler moduli of K3 surfaces. 

Alexei Golota (HSE University)

Automorphism groups of compact complex homogeneous manifolds

Babak Haghighat (Tsinghua University)

 Irregular KZ-equations from Liouville Conformal Blocks.

Yang He (BIMSA)

 Geography of models from the perspective of mirror symmetry

Dmitry Kaledin (MIAN/HSE University)

How to enhance categories, and why

Ludmil Katzarkov (Miami University/HSE University)

New birational invariants

Jacob Kryczka (BIMSA)

D-ideal sheaves, D-Hilbert scheme, and enumerative geometry of Nonlinear PDE

Petr Kucheryavyi (HSE University)

Erdős inequality for primitive sets

Alexander Kuznetsov (MIAN)

Hyperbolic equivalence of quadric bundles

Vlad Levashev (HSE University)

Higher-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol

Yuxiang Liu (BIMSA)

Rigidity of Schubert classes in partial flag varieties

Andrey Losev (SIMIS)

Superstring as a topological type B string

Aimeric Malter (BIMSA)

Categorical Resolutions via Toric Exoflops

Andrei Okounkov (UC Berkeley)

The Eisenstein spectrum

Dmitri Orlov (MIAN)

Twisted tensor product, smooth DG algebras, and noncommutative resolutions of singular curves

Mikhail Ovcharenko (HSE University)

Geometry and arithmetic of weighted complete intersections

Alexander Petkov (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski")

 Li-Yau sub-gradient estimates and Perelman-type entropy formulas for the heat equation in quaternionic contact geometry

Yuri Prokhorov (MIAN, HSE University)

Rationality problem in higher-dimensional algebraic geometry

Mauricio Romo (SIMIS)

Quantum trace and the length conjecture

Artan Sheshmani (BIMSA)

 Shifted symplectic structures on derived Quot Schemes, Degenerations and Categorification of DT invariants

Tim Sulimov (SIMIS)

 Maurer-Cartan methods in perturbative quantum mechanics

Yuuji Tanaka (BIMSA)

The moduli spaces of semistable Higgs sheaves on surfaces and Mathematical Physics

Xinxing Tang (BIMSA)

tt*-geometry, heat kernel analysis and LG type BCOV invariants

Angel Toledo (BIMSA)

A monoidal Bondal-Orlov reconstruction theorem

Alexandr Zaitsev (HSE University)

 Jordan constants of Cremona group of rank 2

Anastasia Vikulova (HSE University)

The most symmetric smooth cubic surface

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