First Summer Mathematical School on the Fontanka: Geometry 2017
3-8 July 2017, Saint-Petersburg
Scientific Committee: Misha Verbitsky (NRU HSE, ULB, Brussels), Valery Gritsenko (Université de Lille, IUF, NRU HSE), Aleksandr Kuznetsov (Steklov Institute, NRU HSE), Ivan Panin (PDMI).
St. Petersburg Department of V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics and the International Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms of NRU HSE (Moscow) begin a series of summer mathematical schools on the Fontanka in the oldest mathematical institute in Russia. The first school will be devoted to geometry and module spaces. Within the school, leading russian and foreign mathematicians will give lectures on classical and the most modern issues from algebraic, differential and metric geometry and geometric applications of the theory of modular forms. The format of the school involves mini-courses of four classes lasting an hour and a half, as well as evening scientific seminar-discussions in addition to the lecture courses. That will allow young mathematicians, graduate students and students to get acquainted during St. Petersburg's white nights.
The summer school "Contemporary Mathematics" in Dubna, designed for beginners, and the summer school "Algebra and Geometry" of Fedor Bogomolov's laboratory of NRU HSE in Yaroslavl for senior students successfully became a part of russian mathematical life. A new series of summer mathematical schools on the Fontanka will be thematically oriented and designed for active students, graduate students and young mathematicians. Since 2018, the school will be held in conjunction with an international scientific conference.
This year the courses will be given by Misha Verbitsky (NRU HSE, ULB), Sergey Ivanov (PDMI), Aleksandr Kuznetsov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, HSE), Laurent Manivel (CNRS, France) and Dmitry Orlov (Steklov Institute). Seminars "Geometric structures on manifolds" by Misha Verbitsky and Nikon Kurnosov (HSE) and "Automorphic forms and their applications" by Valery Gritsenko (Université de Lille, IUF, NRU HSE) will be held.
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