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Illustration for news: Five Representatives of HSE University Win Möbius Contest

Five Representatives of HSE University Win Möbius Contest

The Möbius Contest, established in 1997, aims to identify the best student research works in mathematics and provide financial support to their authors for continuing their scientific work in Russia. It offers students the opportunity to receive feedback on their initial research results from leading mathematicians.

Illustration for news: HSE University and the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University, together with its Chinese partners, will be implementing the scientific project ‘Geometry and Physics,’ which won the ‘Academic Cooperation’ competition at HSE. The International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms acts on behalf of HSE University. The Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), represented by a team of renowned mathematicians including Fields medallists, will also be involved in the project.

Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms, NRU HSE (Moscow) organizes the international winter school «Partition Functions and Automorphic Forms» in Dubna.

Registration is open till Dec 20