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Hodge theory Old and New

Hodge theory is arguably the most successful subject of modern geometry. It was initiated by Hodge and Lefschetz but it really took of after Deligne and especially Griffiths and his school entered the field. It has had many applications — from rationality questions to Mirror Symmetry. Later nonabelian Hodge theory was introduced by Hitchin and Simpson.

The Nonabelian Hodge theory lead to many new applications and originated one of the most dominant fields in Mathematics — Geometric Langlands program.

This course (given by the leaders of the field and world leading mathematicians) will serve as an introduction of the HSE students postdocs and faculty to the cutting edge new research and enhance Moscow Mathematical Life.

Schedule    Abstracts    Venue    Poster


Mohammed Abouzaid
Roman Bezrukavnikov
Ron Donagi
Phillip Griffiths
Nigel Hitchin
Maxim Kontsevich
John Morgan
Tony Pantev
Konstanze Rietsch
Carlos Simpson


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